
にゃんと猫型の天体が撮影されました♪ まずはその画像をぜひご覧あれ!

【注!】以下の画像はすべて、CHANDRA X-ray Observatory からダウンロードさせていただきました。この猫天体は https://chandra.si.edu/photo/2005/d316/ にあります。英文の説明も画像と一緒についてきたものです。画像が欲しい方は CHANDRA X-ray Observatory から直接ダウンロードしてください。私のページからの孫引きは決してなさらないでください。

DEM L316:Supernova Remnants Deconstructed

This is a composite X-ray (red and green)/optical (blue) image of two hot gas shells produced by supernova explosions. Although the shells appear to be colliding, it may be an illusion. Chandra X-ray spectra show that the shell of hot gas on the upper left contains considerably more iron than the one on the lower right. This implies that stars with very different ages exploded to produce these objects. The remnant on the upper left is from an old white dwarf star in a binary system, and the one on the lower right is from a much younger massive star, so the apparent proximity of the remnants is probably the result of a chance alignment.

Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/U.Illinois/R.Williams & Y.-H.Chu; Optical: NOAO/CTIO/U.Illinois/R.Williams & MCELS coll.





CHANDRA X-ray Observatory によるこの天体画像の説明



DEM L316:Supernova Remnants Deconstructed 超新星残骸の分解画像


Fast Facts for DEM L316:

Credit X-ray: NASA/CXC/U.Illinois/R.Williams & Y.-H.Chu; Optical: NOAO/CTIO/U.Illinois/R.Williams & MCELS coll.
Scale Image is 5.7 arcmin across
Category Supernovas & Supernova Remnants
Coordinates (J2000) RA 05h 47m 15.00s | Dec -69º 42′ 25.00″
Constellation Dorado
Observation Date 27 July 2002
Observation Time 10 hours
Obs. ID 2829
Color Code X-ray (Red 0.8-1.5 keV, Green 1.5-8 keV, Blue 0.3-8 keV); Optical (Purple)
Instrument ACIS
Also Known As WCD97 Shell A, WCD97 Shell B
References R. Williams & Y.-H. Chu, astro-ph/0509696
Distance Estimate About 160,000 light years
Release Date November 15, 2005




This is a composite X-ray (red and green)/optical (blue) image of two hot gas shells produced by supernova explosions. Although the shells appear to be colliding, it may be an illusion. Chandra X-ray spectra show that the shell of hot gas on the upper left contains considerably more iron than the one on the lower right. This implies that stars with very different ages exploded to produce these objects. The remnant on the upper left is from an old white dwarf star in a binary system, and the one on the lower right is from a much younger massive star, so the apparent proximity of the remnants is probably the result of a chance alignment.

Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/U.Illinois/R.Williams & Y.-H.Chu; Optical: NOAO/CTIO/U.Illinois/R.Williams & MCELS coll.; Radio: ATCA/U.Illinois/R.Williams et al.





アストロアーツ 星を見る・宇宙を知る・天体を楽しむ https://www.astroarts.co.jp/index-j.html の中の 【めったにない偶然の産物、猫型天体】 https://www.astroarts.co.jp/news/2005/11/29dem-l316/index-j.shtml のページ





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